Family Law Associates of Richmond, PC attorneys are trained in Collaborative Divorce, a method of reaching resolution during difficult times without the emotional toll and acrimonious tone that a court battle can create.Collaborative Divorce is a process in which the parties agree to settle their issues outside of court, only utilizing the Court’s assistance in entering court orders that reflect the parties’ settlement. At the outset, a participation agreement is signed by both parties. This agreement obligates the parties to use every effort to settle the case while being forthcoming and respectful. Should the process suffer a breakdown and the parties desire to have a judge rule on their case, new attorneys must be obtained and a 30-day waiting period is imposed prior to any filings being made with the court.In order to proceed with a Collaborative Divorce approach, both attorneys must have the requisite training.
There is also an interdisciplinary team approach that utilizes a Financial Specialist, Child Specialist and/or a Coach for each party, as well as the two attorneys. The role of an attorney in a collaborative law case differs from that of an attorney in a litigation case in several significant ways. Collaborative law attorneys work with team members to assist clients in reaching their own resolution. We do this by facilitating this client centered process which enables clients to reach an agreement tailored to each family, rather than a court driven process which dictates and limits the resolutions available.
For more information on the process of Collaborative Divorce or to locate more professionals possessing the training, please visit the following websites: